Monday, December 27, 2010


living room painted… bedroom painted… furniture moved in…
not done:
kitchen(mom has cleaned/lined most of the cabinets but not all) unpack boxes… move all of the stuff currently at mom and dad’s house (clothes, books, things I didn’t want in storage) clean wood floors… get new thermostat installed… install lights outside… set up a budget…
these lists seem a little uneven. although in all honesty painting the living room took about a million times longer than it should have.
I am tired. my brain is fried. I am used to taking it relatively easy 4 days a week, and for the past 3 weeks I have cut back on sleeping and been sanding, painting, cleaning, shopping, etc nonstop.  Today when the furniture arrived I collapsed on my couch and fell asleep while mom worked on the kitchen.  not my plan, but I was all worn out.  However, I am super excited about the things that have been done, namely how beautiful my bedroom is turning out.  a hint of what is to come:

Very cool

1 comment:

  1. It's coming together!!!! Should I send out the link to this for all interesed family? Great photo of you taping. . .
