Sunday, September 8, 2013

Comfort zone

My comfort zone is home. My stuff surrounding me, the ability to grab a book I have read a dozen times before and read it again on a bad day.

Tuesday night dinners with the parents (making sure I pay once a month so dad doesn't grumble about how often he feeds his grown children) and grocery shopping with mom and weekly visits with grandpa and walking into my brother's house and seeing bells get excited "Aunt Corrie is here!". 

Weekend trips to kc to see the group and Topeka to see the grands and Arkansas to see the babies. And the sister, but really the babies.  Especially now that there are two babies.

Not having a ton of local friends but getting to see the ones I do have occasionally, and having free time to go visit the far away ones.

Knowing where my ice cream is in the local grocery store and knowing what store I like to begin with and knowing where to get gas from and what parts of town to avoid and what roads to avoid in rain/snow.

Today I am not in my comfort zone. I branched out.  I moved 10 hours away from all of the things that made me feel safe.  I did it to make a change. To challenge myself to change, to prove I can do it.  To explore new places and make more money and have the experience I have always wanted to have.

It sucks.  (Pardon the language mom).  There wasn't anyone to watch the season opener game with.  (Packers lost.  I am sad.).  Tuesday I will eat dinner alone before going to work.  I have no idea if my roof was fixed at home because the person living in my house hasn't messaged me the details.  I really like the job (which is so nice, actually, because I hated the last one) but don't know really how to make friends (never been my strong suit.   I have awesome friends, but they pretty much made me.).  I am scared I will fail at this and I am only a week in.

In other news. Minnesota is beautiful.   The river is beautiful.  I am enjoying exploring.  I figured out that ave-east and st-south so maybe I won't get as lost with both a 6th st and 6th ave.

I can do this.  Not sure tonight in my very tired and not sure what I am doing state that I want to do this, but I am definitely not going to give up on the experience 5 days in. 

Leaving the comfort zone behind is scary, isn't it? 
View from my new breakroom. Every morning

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